Outcome 1
The COMET program will work to reduce the gaps in evidence for providing best care to community dwelling people with cancer. All people with cancer deserve access to care that is high quality and underpinned by evidence, including those who are frequently ineligible for existing trials, and including, or perhaps especially, those with advanced disease.

Outcome 2
Available trials designed and tailored to answer important clinical gaps in care

Outcome 3
Community dwelling people with cancer who find attendance at hospital centres burdensome will be facilitated to participate in supportive care clinical trials

Outcome 4
Through linking clinicians, local providers, cancer trials centres and collaborative trial groups the COMET program will create an active professional network of trialists and clinical providers
Community Supportive Care Trials program: enhancing supportive care trials for community dwelling people with cancer
The COMET program will increase access to Supportive Care clinical trials for a group with unmet needs – community dwelling people with cancer, using local solutions, telehealth platforms and leveraging the investigators’ experience in establishing successful trial collaboratives.
The COMET program will work to reduce the gaps in evidence for providing best care to community dwelling people with cancer. All people with cancer deserve access to care that is high quality and underpinned by evidence, including those who are frequently ineligible for existing trials, and including, or perhaps especially, those with advanced disease.
Resources for clinicians
To learn more about our current ongoing clinical trials program available at the following locations:
St Vincent's Hospital
PeterMacCallum Cancer Centre
Royal Melbourne Hospital
Austin Hospital
Western Health
To find out how the list of trials, please click on the following trial:
DEPART - Neuropathic pain (pregabalin or duloxetine).
RESONANCE - Cannabis oil for quality of life and symptoms management
NAMISOL - Cannabis tablet for loss of appetite
SINFONIA - Group singing for COPD.
On-Site Education
Available on request. We provide education sessions to combat current staff shortages at Community Palliative Care (on-the-road education sessions as well as small group sessions offered), in addition to formal, large group education sessions.
Lucy and Angela
COMET Co-ordinators
CONTACT: 0403 210 478